Anyone Know If IONIQ Door Handles Retract When Unlocked

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Hi everyone! Quick question: do the door handles on the IONIQ stay extended whenever the car is unlocked? I noticed that mine seem to stay out even if I leave the car unlocked for a while. I’m curious if this is just how they’re designed or if there’s a setting to make them retract automatically. Mainly asking because I’d prefer they tuck back in if I don’t open the door right away, feels a bit more secure. Anyone else experience this or have any tips? Thanks in advance!
Yeah, those door handles stay popped out when your ride's unlocked. But you can totally customize that! Just dive into the settings menu, and you can choose if you want to unlock just the driver’s door or all of them at once.
Yeah, those door handles stay popped out when your ride's unlocked. But you can totally customize that! Just dive into the settings menu, and you can choose if you want to unlock just the driver’s door or all of them at once.
Oh, wow! Imagine I have been having this "issue" for a while, but I didn't bother with it, haha! It seems your thread @Joe_Higashi has helped me, too.
Hi everyone! Quick question: do the door handles on the IONIQ stay extended whenever the car is unlocked? I noticed that mine seem to stay out even if I leave the car unlocked for a while. I’m curious if this is just how they’re designed or if there’s a setting to make them retract automatically. Mainly asking because I’d prefer they tuck back in if I don’t open the door right away, feels a bit more secure. Anyone else experience this or have any tips? Thanks in advance!
Yup they are

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