What's this brake ticking sound?

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I've been dealing with a strange ticking noise coming from my brakes when I depress or release the pedal at low speeds. It sounds electronic, like a chirping. I've taken it in twice, and they couldn't find anything wrong. They said they got a test script from headquarters, but I'm not sure what they actually did. After the second visit, it seemed to be fixed, but the noise came back the next day.

I've recorded the sound for them, but it's frustrating that they can't always recreate the issue. I'm wondering if it could be related to the hybrid system, but the battery seems to be charging fine. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?
So, you are saying that it sounds electronic and the issue returns despite being checked.
Does your car use a brake-by-wire system? If yes, then the noise might be normal in hybrid vehicles, because the regenerative braking system engages and disengages.
Also, sometimes, the switch between regen and mechanical braking at low speeds can cause odd noises, particularly in certain conditions. This is all I can think about at the moment.
You said you have already recorded the sound. Try playing it for the technicians and ask their opinion. Hopefully, something clicks for them.
I've been dealing with a strange ticking noise coming from my brakes when I depress or release the pedal at low speeds. It sounds electronic, like a chirping. I've taken it in twice, and they couldn't find anything wrong. They said they got a test script from headquarters, but I'm not sure what they actually did. After the second visit, it seemed to be fixed, but the noise came back the next day.

I've recorded the sound for them, but it's frustrating that they can't always recreate the issue. I'm wondering if it could be related to the hybrid system, but the battery seems to be charging fine. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?
Set your regen braking to 0. Brake hard 10 times, then drive normally. Then update here if it still makes the same noise.

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