Warning sounds in snowy weather

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I keep hearing warning sounds when I slow down to 10 mph or less or stop at lights when I'm traveling in snowy or icy weather. The notifications continue even though there are no automobiles in front of or behind me. I presume the front camera or sensors are getting obscured because it only occurs when I'm in snow. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it possible to stop it or reset it? I would be very grateful for any advice!
pretty common with newer cars. The IONIQ’s safety systems are extra sensitive, and when snow blocks the sensors, it thinks you’re about to crash when you’re not. Keeping them clean helps, but in really bad conditions, you might just have to live with the occasional beeping unless Hyundai pushes an update to improve sensor recognition in snow.
Thanks, I’ll make sure to keep the sensors clean and hope Hyundai releases an update. I guess I'll just deal with the occasional beeping for now...

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