Level 1 charging adding barely any range

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West Virginia
I just picked up my 2023 Ioniq 5 earlier this week and I tried Level 1 charging overnight. Over 15 hours it only added 10 km to the battery.

Everything seems to be working. The voice assistant says it's charging. The lights flash normally. The dash shows charging at 0.6 kW. But from what I’ve read I was expecting a bit more range per hour this doesn’t seem to match any estimates I’ve seen.

Is this normal for Level 1 charging? Could something be wrong? or is this just the reality of 120V charging? Would a Level 2 charger make a significant difference in charging efficiency?
Yeah, Level 1 charging is painfully slow for any EV but especially for a big-battery car like the Ioniq 5. At 0.6 kW your charger is working fine it’s just that 120V isn’t enough to charge efficiently. Realistically Level 1 is only good for emergency charging not daily use.

If you’re planning to drive your Ioniq 5 regularly I’d highly recommend upgrading to Level 2 you’ll go from adding a few km per hour to charging the entire battery overnight.

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