Left the key fob inside the Ioniq

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My son was involved in a rear-end collision and, in the panic, forgot the only key fob inside the car. What are our options?
If you wrote here, then I guess you don't have a second key. I might have an option, but I don't think it is the best one, but it worked for my brother-in-law. When he left it in the car, he took a hammer and broke the right side window with it, then went to the mechanic to change the window. Trust me, this is real! But this is not the best idea, I know. I find it kinda funny, though!
What about the Hyundai app? Definitely don't go the hammer route, lol. Most towing comapnies can pop it open without damage for way less than a new window would cost. But I guess you have already sorted it out.

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