Ioniq underwash

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Marky Cielo

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Hello everyone, I'm a newbie in the EV world! I was wondering if giving my Ioniq a good undercarriage wash is a bad idea. I've been battling winter salt for a month and am worried about rust. Is spraying the underside safe for electric vehicles?
Undercarriages can withstand anything, including a thorough soaking. That's why I give my cars a weekly undercarriage wash; it keeps them looking sharp! You wouldn't believe the compliments I get on my 2001 4Runner; it looks brand new from top to bottom.
Washing your undercarriage is an important thing to do. The materials used for the undercarriage can handle almost anything considering that it is a gas-powered vehicle. but when we're talking about EVs they need special hands to handle undercarriage washing. There are consequences if not done properly. You need to be extra careful about these kinds of wash.
@Marky Cielo , there are limitations as to what our vehicles can withstand, just make sure that you use gentle chemicals, soft brushes, and low-pressure water to avoid damaging electric components and other parts.
Thanks guys! Appreciate it so much. Been washing my undercarriage for 6 months already, and it really feels great knowing that my car is clean underneath. Plus, it's a good workout for me haha!

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